Pre Searing Pet Leveling, Evolutions
On another forum, I made a post about my pre searing Death Level Setup and someone replied don't bring your pet to a DL session. (I am not convinced but that is not the purpose of this post.) However, this got me thinking about pet evolution (in pre searing).
I am trying to figure out a PERMA PRE pet strategy for multiple accounts.
Pet Evolution:
At level 11 a pet evolves to Aggressive, Playful or None.
At level 15 an Aggressive pet evolves to Dire or Elder.
At level 15 a Playful pet evolves to: Elder or Hearty
Every pet I have had in PRE has always been Playful or Hearty in their evolution.
Consider (a level 6 character for example, but any level can be used)
Level 6 character charms a level 11 aggressive pet (death leveled by another account)
What level will the pet be when the character reaches level 16 and can no longer get xp without death leveling? What is the relationship between player xp and pet xp for leveling? Will the pet evolution be Elder or Dire? Any thoughts on what the pets evolution would be?
In pre searing the premise seems to be more health is better than more damage because pets are used to hold aggro rather than deal damage. I can not see any way to death level a pet to any level, then evolve it to Hearty. However, it might be possible to death level an Aggressive pet <level unknown> then evolve it to Elder.
In order to level a pet to a level greater than 16 (without Death Leveling yourself with your pet), then you need to charm a pet at a level greater than your level.
Character Level Pet Level Pet Evolution
Level 6 Level 11 Aggressive Pet
Level 7 Level 12 Aggressive Pet
Level 8 Level 13 Aggressive Pet
Level 9 Level 14 Aggressive Pet
Level 10 Level 15 Dire Pet Dire
Level 15 Level 20 Dire Pet Dire
Another way of looking at this topic is: What are the possible highest pet levels and evolutions for perma pre level 16 characters (who will not death level)?
Level 16 Hearty Pet (seems to be the normal PreSearing pet evolution path)
Level <TBD> Elder Pet (where TBD is greater than lvl 16)
Level 20 Dire Pet (death level a new pet any time at character level 15or 16)
Ok, maybe this post shows that I have to much time on my hands, but someone has to have given this some thought in the last 5 years.